Commanded and Conquered.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Another Inconvenient Truth - The Ironies of Ignatius
1. We are trying to deviate from the norm, but we’re actually trying to be in it, joining in the regular section bandwagon for some reasons I do not know.
2. The “leaders” say that the comedic way is a surefire winner and the serious way is “cliché”, but what did they do in last year’s Filipino madulang pagbasa? They actually used the “cliché” way and won hands down.
3. We want to act normal in the SB and be ourselves, but we are actually trying to become what we are not.
4. The “leaders” need suggestions and want the SB as a perfect mix of everyone’s ideas, but what happened? The concepts dominant (or even the only ones present) here are Pao’s and Degu’s (no offense, but it’s the truth).
5. The original “Core Group” is playing second fiddle, passive and submissive while a new “Core Group” became the prevailing body in the SB. WTF?
6. Thinking out of the box? The approach may be different but the general idea is the same: Make a party out of the performance.
7. Many students in Ignatius listen to the popular kids but are absent-minded whenever the “uncool” people are explaining something (that includes me).
8. A lot of people in Ignatius accept the “fun but dreadfully wrong” approaches and dismiss “boring but substantial” ones.
9. These “leaders” think that the ones opposing them are “unappreciative and close-minded”, but they are actually the ones: They promise to accept suggestions and make necessary changes given by the teacher (Mrs. Lumanog said that the whole concept of a game show is shallow) but rarely or never actually upholded that promise.
10. “They” say that the original concept is now updated and is free of storyline issues. Well, the update just made the whole thing worse. It is now ridden with more plot holes than Swiss cheese.
11. The class strives for perfection and unity… but what are we exactly doing in practices? PSP, iPod, loafing around and not exactly doing what our instructors tell us to do. What a high level of enthusiasm and discipline. I may be doing it a lot of times but at least I still had the spirit to join in all practices and do what is required switftly even if it means missing out precious time in schoolwork and rest.
Here is my quote from this whole thing:
“If Ignatius were a book and studied under the norms of formalism, it would be the best book ever.”
Oppose me for all I care. Mock and ignore me for the rest of this darned year if you want. If this SB is a success, then it’s good. I concede the fight. Good for us that the judges chose the lesser of the five evils (namely the sections of Francis, Pio, Ignatius, Bernard, and Bernardine). But if it’s a flop, don’t blame me for that. I tried to fix it, but you never gave me the chance. Besides, I am seriously outnumbered and outgunned; it’s pretty futile to change your odd minds. It’s good luck or good bye for all of us anyway. Bye-bye honor list. Nice meeting you for 3 years.

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