Commanded and Conquered.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
An Inconvenient Truth - Criticism
Some good examples why I am saying this:
1. The usual comment: "Linux is the stupidest OS that I have ever seen. This sucker is for cheapskates."
The rare comment: "I personally don't like the interface of Linux, but it it's not all that bad."
2. The usual comment:"Motorola is crap. It's just a junk phone full of nothing but garbage and should be stepped on. NOKIA OWNZZZZ!!!"
The rare comment: "For me, Motorola is an overall good phone, but I will still prefer Nokia."
3. The usual comment: "UP is the worst university in the Philippines. It's littered with crime and violence all over. ATENEO FOREVER! ATENEO!!!!"
The rare comment: "I agree that UP is a top-class Phil. university, but for me, Ateneo is still
Sounds shocking? No, these comments are true and are all-present everywhere in the globe! These "usual" comments may make the people who wrote such to feel better, but what about the people you have commented? Yes, you would feel a hell lot better when you're a Windows junkie, a Nokia fanboy, or an Atenista. But would these comments hurt your feelings if you're the Linux user, Motorola lover, or the UP student?
I'm just trying to tell everyone that giving comments about topics is a-ok. These can even help others to change their views positively. But if these comments actually start a war of words and become friendship destroyers, please stop them. I'd rather shut my mouth and keep my ideas to myself than offending the person's feelings and make them feel bad. I do not want others to feel down, so I always cheer them up with words of wisdom and constructive criticism. So that's why I personally hate people who assault others verbally because doing such acts is a bad thing, right? Hating is bad too; I am apologizing to be like that way, but that's the way I am.
One advice to all those aggressive critics who care about self-satisfaction and not about developing others: Before saying anything offending against others, put yourselves in their shoes first. Will you feel bad when you are given the same destructive comment that you will do to them? Will your comments actually help the person you are criticizing or will they actually kill his/her spirit and personality?
Think about it comrades. Commander out.

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