Commanded and Conquered.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Poll Results Secured - Shadow Team Wins!

Well, it seems like a lot of you comrades like these sneaky deadly bastards. Also known as the Commando Lite, the Shadow Team are a deadly force to deal with. They pack a powerful punch; these guys can take out multiple structures with their special chemical C-4 charges with ease and they can also kill hordes of enemy infantry with their dual machine handguns. What's more, they also utilize portable hang gliders to move swiftly and quietly over the battlefield for maximum mobility. Stealth is their ally and the opponent's enemy, for they are not called Shadows for nothing. Do not underestimate their defenses though; their exclusive Shadow Armor can even withstand GDI railgun attacks head on. This dangerous combination of stealth, mobility, armor and combat effectiveness make the Shadow Team an invaluable force to the Brotherhood of Nod.
So, are you willing to be one of us?

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