Commanded and Conquered.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Brotherhood's Advanced Bipedal Walker - The Avatar Warmech

Excerpt from Avatar Crew Briefing
"You have the privilege of piloting one of the most fearsome and capable weapon systems in the arsenal of the Brotherhood. You command a bipedal combat walker that stands ten meters tall, an all-terrain war machine so intimidating that its very presence on the battlefield strikes fear into the hearts of GDI troops.
The base laser weapon on the Avatar is very effective against vehicles and structures, but the avatar can be upgraded with significantly more combat power. Nod engineers have built a unique capability into the Avatar: It can adapt key systems from other Nod vehicles for its own use. You can remove the stealth generator from a Stealth Tank, the stealth detector from an Attack Bike, the anti-infantry flame-thrower from a Flame Tank, or the beam cannon from an artillery vehicle and use them immediately. An Avatar can equip itself with all four secondary systems. Although the Avatar destroys the donor vehicle and kills the crew in the process of recovering the new system, rest easy in the knowledge that the dead have given their lives for the Brotherhood."
This is the most "Emo"-ish weapon the world has ever seen. Make that "Horror"-ish.
Peace Through Power.
posted by Jon Jerico Ancheta Calanio at
3:59 AM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
10 Signs of the End of the World for III - Bl. Benedict
10. Cloud seeding causes storms that can flood the school
9. No classes for a lot of times
8. Students play boredom games every now and then
7. Continuous seat arrangement changing
6. Teachers got hooked to video games
5. The Sig Figs phenomenon will take the world by storm
4. Classmates get frustrated at wires, jacks and lead
3. Teachers have jammed schedules
2. We are the most controversial batch in the school
1. We have absolutely no dang reason to have no classes today. *OM*L** sux in organizing elections.
A lot of these are realizing, don't let others happen! Number one's the worst!!!!
posted by Jon Jerico Ancheta Calanio at
1:55 AM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Of Noises and Wackos
Bl. Benedict, the cream of the crop defined
Geniuses and sportsmen all combined.
If it's lessons and tests, you're on the top
But in behavior and conduct, you're a flop.
Your neighbor is the coordinator's office
But who cares, what's all with the fizz?
So we chat and we shout, till the lights go out
But with the teachers, we always lose the bout.
What's wrong with us, my friend?
We're always scolded 'till the end.
Remember all what we have learned
To behave so that respect will be earned.
posted by Jon Jerico Ancheta Calanio at
2:31 AM